Her Covered Bones Launch

The launch for this last (for now) book in the Opal Fields series - Her Covered Bones was fabulous.

With over 1700 pre-orders, this sixth instalment exceeded expectations and I wanted to thank each and every reader who purchased a copy before launch, and since. 

With such great numbers in the first week, we reached #1 in the Amazon Australian store in more than one sub-genre and reached the top 25 in the entire store.

This is the stuff of dreams and amazing for an indie author who not long ago was lucky to sell ten books a week, let alone over 2000 in a launch week.

As a thank you, I'm offering a prequel novella in the new Dawn Grave series to everyone who signs up to my email list. I'm in the final edits before it goes to my beta team, but as soon as it is done, you'll get your link to download, free, right to your inbox. 

If this is something you'd be keen to grab, then sign up here. You'll also get a bonus scene that didn't make it into Her Buried Bones because of a timeline mix up.

Grab your copy today.

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